All posts by Steph Yiu

Presentation Confirmed: Real publishers, real problems, real opportunities

We are pleased to announce our first confirmed presentation for WordCamp for Publishers, Columbus!

Davis Shaver is a software engineer at Alley Interactive and the creator of two local news sites in Pennsylvania.

Davis will be introducing attendees to the practical reality of launching a news site in 2019. His talk will include a technological census of local digital-first startup publishers, a few case studies of real-life publishers, and a survey of emerging solutions in the space. Audience members will walk away with an introduction to new avenues of collaboration and possible strategic areas for growth.

We hope to see you soon in Columbus! Purchase your WordCamp for Publishers tickets today.

Workshop Confirmed: Newsletter Guide for Publishers

We are thrilled to announce our first confirmed workshop for WordCamp for Publishers, Columbus!

Joseph Lichterman (The Lenfest Institute for Journalism) and Emily Roseman (Shorenstein Center at the Harvard Kennedy School), along with other speakers will host a hands-on workshop to help publishers take their newsletters to the next level.

This workshop is based on the Newsletter Guide, a resource created by Shorenstein, Lenfest, and Yellow Brim to help publishers engage readers with well-crafted newsletters. Topics covered will include types of newsletters, workflows, growing lists, monetization, and evaluating success.

Our call for speakers closes tonight, so get your application in!

Call for Speakers

Update: The call for speakers is now closed. Thank you for submitting your pitches! We’ll be announcing confirmed presentations in the coming weeks.

WordCamp for Publishers: Columbus is looking for speakers and workshop facilitators who will educate, inspire and inform attendees about topics related to using WordPress for managing publications.

The programming committee would like to see topics that will benefit all contributors to the publishing process. This includes writers, journalists, editors, designers, developers, data journalists, project managers, product managers, program managers, and publishing industry polymaths.

The submission form below can be used to send your proposal for any type of session: a presentation with or without slides, a hands-on workshop, a demonstration of a tool or workflow, or something else. If you have multiple session ideas, please submit the form multiple times, but please limit yourself to no more than three proposals.

Sessions will typically fall into one of the following formats:

  • 45 minute presentations (inclusive of Q&A)
  • 90 minute workshops
  • 5 minute lightning talks

You can propose your idea for consideration in one, two, or all three formats.

The deadline to submit your proposal(s) is Monday, May 6th at 11:59PM EDT. You will be notified when a decision about your submission is made, no later than May 31st, 2019.

Do you know someone you would like to hear speak? If you want to nominate someone to speak, please get in touch via this form to let us know who it is, what they speak about, and a way for us to get in touch.

Want to talk through your idea before submitting? Tempted to submit a speaker application — but not quite sure of your title and description? Let us know through this form and we’d happily talk through it with you.

General guidelines for speakers and facilitators

  • Sessions should be relevant to the world of publishing with WordPress. We want a mix of talks, workshops and other sessions that will be engaging for editorial teams, site and plugin developers, and anyone who is involved in managing a WordPress publication of any size. We’re looking for innovative content that expands the knowledge of the WordPress publishing community with new and interesting ideas, tools and examples.
  • You do not need to be a professional speaker, but you should be knowledgeable about the topic you are presenting or the workshop material you are facilitating.
  • You are encouraged to apply even if you have never spoken at a WordCamp before. If you need some inspiration, take a look at some of the great talks published on WordPress TV. You can also review the 2018 or 2017 WordCamp for Publisher’s schedule for additional ideas.
  • All submissions will be reviewed by the organizer committee. We will use a semi-blind submission review process to encourage diversity in speakers and topics. The initial review and ranking of topics will be done purely based on the title and description of the talk. Be prepared to review and refine your speaker slides, workshop content or other material for your presentation with an organizer prior to the event.
  • Speakers will be provided free admission to WordCamp for Publishers: Columbus, but we cannot reimburse travel, lodging or other expenses at this time. Note: We are hoping to be able to offer some travel scholarships based on need for attendees. Speakers needing assistance are encouraged to apply for that scholorship.
  • All speakers must agree to follow our Code of Conduct.